LoL Patch 14.2 Hotfix: Riot Rushes Out Brand Nerfs & Teemo Buffs

LoL Patch 14.2 went live, but a few champions completely broke the game it seems. So, Riot had to work quickly to fix key issues with a hotfix patch.

Firecracker Teemo splash
LoL Patch 14.2: Hotfix has gone live. | © Riot Games

Riot has just released LoL Patch 14.2. While there were quite a few changes to try and combat the amount of burst in the game, there were also a few critical bugs that got shipped. Along with those, some champions were also either over-buffed or over-nerfed, which is what Riot is trying to fix now with their hotfix.

On Twitter/X it was revealed that the hotfix is going to go live right away, which should stabilize the meta a bit and get rid of some nasty bugs in the game.

LoL Patch 14.2: Hotfix Goes Live

Champion Buffs


Teemo has become one of the best champions in the game with Season 14. Since then, he's received multiple nerfs, but it seems that Riot overshot some of them and are giving him a bit of power back to his E – Toxic Shot.

  • E – Toxic Shot
    • On-Hit Damage: 14-58 + 25% AP >>> 14-66 + 30% AP

This should bring up his win rate which plunged from 53% in Patch 14.1 to 48% in LoL Patch 14.2.


Badlands Rumble
Rumble buffs have him in the top tier once more. | © Riot Games

Another champion that didn't have a good time to kick off LoL Patch 14.2 was Rumble. He is going to be getting some base damage buffs along with changes to his E – Electro Harpoon.

  • Base Stats
    • Attack Damage: 61 >>> 64
  • E – Electro Harpoon
    • Damage: 6-160 + 40% AP >>> 6-160 + 50% AP

Champion Nerfs


Brand is getting nerfed. Thank you. | © Riot Games

Brand has become pretty insane in LoL Patch 14.2. His jungle clear is through the roof, meaning he can get to ganking much quicker. His win rate shot up from a solid 52% to 56% in the span of a day, which means Riot is going to be nerfing him in this hotfix patch.

  • P – Blaze
    • Monster Damage: 230% >>> 220%
    • Max Health Damage Per Stack: 2.5% >>> 2%

Bugfixes In LoL Patch 14.2 Hotfix

Crime city twisted fate
Twisted Fate's Red Card is getting adjusted. | © Riot Games

Riot Phreak also sent out a short list of bugs that should have been fixed with the hotfix. He stated that they just micropatched bugs for Twisted Fate, Karthus and Unflinching. The Unflinching bug is in association with Graves and his Smoke Screen.

  • Twisted Fate
    • Red Card now slows the primary target
  • Karthus
    • Wall of Pain Resists bug fixed
  • Unflinching
    • Fixed weird interaction with Graves's Smoke Screen which gave players infinite stats

Those are the fixes that have gone live on Summoner's Rift to improve the gameplay. The Brand nerfs are looking pretty good, and let's hope that they make the champion calm down. Now we just have to get them to nerf Miss Fortune...

Sabrina Ahn

Sabrina Ahn is the League of Legends and Riftfeed Lead. During her time at Concordia University in 2014 she fell in love with LoL and is playing it since – how she hasn't lost her sanity is still unclear....